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Research Assistant, School of Public Health, University of Illinois at Chicago - 2019 - 2021

Created project specific datasets and reproducible STATA codes for efficient data management. Estimated pass through of soda tax in multiple locations across different beverage categories using advanced econometric techniques. Estimated impact of soda tax on within firm and across firm substitution of beverages by making use of industrial organization concepts and advanced econometric techniques. Coordinated with multiple supervisors to disseminate results, collect feedback and to incorporate suggestions.


Research Assistant, Oxford Policy Management, India - 2017

Assisted in developing project strategy for evaluation of a government trial of fortification of flour to be distributed among pregnant and lactating women in Bihar, India. Proposed guidelines for conducting analyses.


Senior Research Assistant - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), India - 2016

Was offered this opportunity after evaluating my prior work as an intern. Supervised training of enumerators for a quasi experimental study on women self-help groups in villages of Bihar, India. Analyzed data for multiple quasi experimental projects on women empowerment and nutrition using advanced econometric techniques. Summarized data and key findings as well as presented them before stakeholders.


Research Assistant - Centre for Development Economics, Delhi School of Economics, India - 2014-15

Assisted in developing evaluation strategy for a randomized control experiment on the impact of an innovative computer assisted female adult literacy programme in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. Trained and supervised enumerators on the survey instruments and on efficient data entry. Analyzed data using advanced econometric techniques and presented key findings at multiple venues. Co-authored a paper with the principal investigators of the project.


Founder - Primary Education Needs and Community Initiated Learning (PENCIL), India - since 2013

Created a sustainable model for empowering parents of children from less privileged backgrounds using my understanding of Economics of Education. Inspired around 300 college and high school students across multiple states of India to replicate the model in their respective neighborhoods and to pursue their later careers in Education.  


Faculty Associate - IILM Institute for Higher Education, India - 2010 -11

Involved in data management of the research cell of this management institute. Assisted an institutional research project which explored the ways in which the city of Delhi could be made more pedestrian friendly. Taught discussion sessions for management students on Managerial Economics.

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